
United States.


New York




Material Supply


RR Group of Industry


21 June, 2015


15 December ,2017


$75 Million (USD)

Slag GGBS Introduction

GGBS slag is a derivative from the manufacturing process of iron and steel. It contains the entire basic constituents of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) but in a different percentage and chemical formula. Slag does not has any innate cementing ability; however, when combined with OPC, it produces hydraulic capability identical to cement. The calcium oxide (CaO) present in the slag is bonded as calcium aluminates, calcium aluminosilicates, and calcium silicate. Since GGBS is 100% glassy, it is generally more reactive. The quenching process – granulation yields smooth particles identical to granular soil, ensuring exceptional cementing quality when pounded to great refinement and combined with cement.
Granulated slag retrieved from the blast furnace slag is wet and coarse in nature and therefore needs to be processed before use. We carry out the drying and grinding process to transform it into the useful form. We mostly use a ball mill to assure fine grounding. The process does not result in any chemical changes and only transforms the physical form the material from a coarse texture to a finely grounded one. Along with the grinding process, classification is also performed simultaneously to assure a uniform size of all the particles.
The compounds of GGBS are not similar to those present in Portland cement such as tricalcium aluminates, tricalcium silicate, etc.; however, they hydrate when stimulated by calcium hydroxide produced during the hydration of Portland cement. Replacement of OPC with GGBS increases the durability and workability without affecting strength. Further quality features of GGBS are:
High Value Material:
  • Enhanced workability, pumping ability and compaction features for concrete placement
  • Improved strength
  • Minimum porousness
  • High chemical strength
  • Increased resistance to chloride diffusion
  • Enhanced resistance to fire
GGBS substitutes a significant percentage of usual cement OPC in Ready-mix concrete (RMC). The mixing ratio may vary in between 30 to 70 percent roughly and most commonly mixed in a 50-50 proportion. The more the percentage, the superior is stability of concrete. Moreover, GGBS is utilized in additional forms of concrete such as precast and site batched. GGBS is a cost-effective solution in the current competitive market. Further advantages are:
  • Enhanced exterior quality
  • Lighter and extra uniform shade
  • Superior reflectivity for better visibility and protection
  • Overpowers/removes efflorescence
  • Low carbon footprint
  • Use of GGBS extends the life cycle of concrete structures
  • Low carbon footprint
  • Reduces construction costs
  • Reduced need for other expensive finishes or painting
  • Lower maintenance costs